The Secretary-General Is Not Amused – What the UN thinks about Census

While Canadians tried to talk census sense to their rulers, here’s what the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Ban Ki-Moon, had to say about the importance of the census on Sunday July 11:
“Population data helps leaders and policy-makers to make informed decisions about policies and programmes to reduce poverty and hunger, and advance education, health and gender equality,”

The story goes on to say:

“With dozens of countries carrying out United Nations-supported national censuses this year, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon marked this year’s World Population Day by stressing the importance of gathering information to bolster good governance, transparency and accountability. … He underscored the importance of solid data to effectively respond to humanitarian crises. The theme of this year’s Day is “Everyone counts,” and “to be counted is to become visible,” especially for women and young people, the Secretary-General said.” Read more

World Population Day – Everyone Counts
World Population Day to celebrate census, right to be counted

Thanks to Martha Friendly to bring this to my attention.

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