PEF at the CEA meetings 2010

Please join us in Quebec City this May 28-30 for another round of PEF sessions at the Canadian Economics Association meetings. Here is the tentative PEF line-up for the meetings.

Friday, 09:00 – 10:30
PEF I: Was Financialization Rational for Capital?

Organizer: Robert Chernomas (U. of Manitoba)
-Fletcher Baragar, “Why Financialization, Why Now?”
-Robert Chernomas, “From Growth Stagnation to Financial Crisis: A
Missing Link in Mainstream Theory”
-Mara Fridell & Mark Hudson, “Financialization, Enabling Policy, and
Elite Policy Networks in the USA”
-John Loxley, “The Financialization Crisis and Sovereign Debt”

Friday, 11:00 – 12:30
PEF II: Canada’s Economic Security and the Great Recession: What Have
We Learned?

Organizer: Andrew Jackson (CLC)
-Andrew Jackson, “Employment Insurance ”
-Armine Yalnizyan, “Rethinking Economic Security”
-John Stapleton, “Social Assistance”
-Nick Falvo, “The Great Recession’s Impact on Homelessness”

Friday, 14:30 – 16:00
PEF III: Panel – Is There a Market Fundamentalist Message in the
Introductory Textbooks?

Organizers: Rod Hill (UNB) and Tony Myatt (UNB)
-Rod Hill (UNB) and Tony Myatt (UNB), “To Be Determined”
-Avi Cohen (York), “To Be Determined”
-Mel Cross (Dalhousie) and Brian MacLean (Laurentian), “To Be
-Marc Lavoie (U. Ottawa) and Mario Seccareccia (U. Ottawa),
“Perspective on the Hill-Myatt Book from our Experience with the
Baumol/Blinder Project”
-Chris Ragan (McGill), “To Be Determined”

Friday, 16:30 – 18:00
PEF/URPE IV: Labour in a time of crisis, comparing experiences and
prospects in Canada and the US.

Organizer: Mathieu Dufour
-Michael Lynk (Faculty of Law, University of Western Ontario),
“Hydraulic Relationships: Labour Law and Economic Inequality”
-Armine Yalnyzian (CCPA), “Transformers: Recession’s Impacts on
Canada’s Labour Market”
-Mike Hillard (University of Maine), “Class Politics and American
Employer Exceptionalism: Why is the U.S. So Conservative?”
-Jeannette Wicks-Lim (Political Economy Research Institute), “U.S.
Policy Considerations to Guarantee Workers a Decent Standard of Living”

Friday, 18:30-20:30, PEF Social
Location TBD

Saturday, 0900-10:30
PEF/CSLS V: Perspectives on Happiness in Canada and the United States

Organizers: Andrew Sharpe (CSLS) and Chris Barrington-Leigh (UBC)
Chair: Ian Stewart (CSLS)
-Andrew Sharpe (CSLS), Ali Akbar Ghanghro (CSLS) and Anam Kidwai
(Institute for Competitiveness and Prosperity) “Explaining in Happiness
in Canada: New Results from the 2007-2008 Canadian Community Health
-Chris Barrington-Leigh (University of British Columbia) “Canadian Life
Satisfaction Over Time”
-Richard Florida (University of Toronto), Charlotta Mellander
(University of Toronto) and Kevin Stolarick (University of Toronto)
“Should I Stay or Should I Go Now: The Effects of Community
Satisfaction on the Decision to Stay or Move”
Discussant: John Helliwell (University of British Columbia)

Saturday, 11:00 – 12:30
PEF VI: Integrating Climate and Industrial Policies

Organizer: Marc Lee, CCPA
Chair: Marc Lee, CCPA
-Marc Lee, CCPA, “So What is a Green Job Anyway?”
-Ken Carlaw, UBC-Okanagan, “Industrial Policy Lessons for Climate
Mitigation Strategies”
-Erin Weir, Steelworkers, “The Case for Carbon Tariffs”
-Brendan Haley, “From Staples Trap to Carbon Trap”

Saturday, 12:30 – 14:30
PEF AGM (lunch provided)

Saturday, 14:30 – 16:00
PEF VII: TITLE: “Canadian Public Finances and Monetary Policy: Sound
Finance or Functional Finance”

Organizer: Mario Seccareccia (University of Ottawa)
Chair: Marc Lavoie (University of Ottawa)
-Andrew Jackson (Canadian Labour Congress, Ottawa), “Reflections on
Canadian Fiscal and Monetary Policy during the Great Recession”
-Keith Newman (Communications, Energy and Paperworkers Union of Canada,
CEP, Ottawa) “Do Taxes and Bonds Pay for Government Expenditures?”
-Mario Seccareccia (University of Ottawa) “Is Functional Finance
‘Sound’ Long-Term Policy or Is There a Need for an ‘Exit Strategy’ to
Ensure Balanced Budgets?”

Saturday, 16:30 – 18:00
J.K. Galbraith Lecture, John Loxley

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