Galbraith Prize Endowment Campaign Reaches Target

I am thrilled to report that the Progressive Economics Forum has met our $50,000 fund-raising goal for an endowment fund to support the Galbraith Prize in Economics and Social Justice in perpetuity.


Thank you very much to those who helped out with this project.  A special thank you to Kevin Young who helped a lot with identifying potential donors, and to my assistant at CAW (Kristine Vendrame) who did a lot of the grunt work!


This idea clearly struck a chord with people, who recognized its importance as a way of expanding the space for debate and dialogue within our profession.  The incredibly positive and optimistic spirit embodied at the inaugural award ceremony in Vancouver in June pushed the whole campaign along some more.  Our invitation to folks to donate $1000 (individually) and $2000 (for organizations), in return for being listed on future plaques, elicited an excellent response from many fine, committed people and organizations.  Nine individuals and five organizations donated in accordance with those guidelines.


The endowment funds will be managed by the Tides Canada Foundation; investment proceeds will be used to sponsor the costs of the lecture and the award every two years.



Thanks again to everyone who donated to and otherwise helped with this great project!

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