Aeroplan class action suit?
One of my favourite things monitoring this blog stems from a post I made last year about Aeroplan disenfranchising its members who did not keep ponying up. Almost everyday lately I have been getting a comment from some furious person who lost their points. At some point along the way someone suggested the idea of a class action suit and that has resonated with many commenters.
Hoisted from the comments area is the following offer:
Shawn |
Time to walk the walk. If any of you are seriously interested in pursuing a class action lawsuit against Aeroplan for forfeited miles contact me at ’’.
Although not currently practicing, I am an Ontario lawyer in good standing and I am willing to devote whatever time I can to this project.
The same story. Lost 150,000 points without any warning. I had transferred points from other airlines into this account. Has any action been taken? Count me in.
I too wish to be part of any class action taken.
Count me in.
Ditto for the lawsuite. I was offered my points back for $500.00. I would feel better about puting these monies towards lawyers fees with some probability of receiving my points back than paying the thief for getting my points back.
24000 Points stolen. We need a lawyer that is willing to take these guys on.
I am furious! Last year I tried to get a ticket to Italy with my almost 100000 points, they wanted me to pay an additional 1700$ for 2 tickets. The regular price with Air France was 1800$ ! So I kept my points and bought tickets with Air France. Now I have found out my accumulated 100 000 points have been voided because I haven’t had any transactions for more than a year. I was sure I was still admissible because I was a client at Bell Canada up until I learned Bell Canada has not been a partner since Dec. 2007. I was never advised. When I called Aeroplan customer services, they weren’t interested in solving my problem. I was a member for more than 25 years and they treated me with disrespect. I support any future actions you may undertake.
lost 100 000 points. It’s a robery, I will support any class action.
After 10 months of battling with aeroplan, today aeroplan officially responded that I will not get my 227,000 points back. They claimed they sent me an email to advise me losing my points, guess what I never got one to. I went right up the ladder to the president, and still a big NO. I also sent them proof of all my incoming emaill, my company keeps all incoming mail for 10years and still NO. The funny thing they included in the email today that I can buy them back, what do you think of this bullshit? I’m wondering if the board of directors know what going on!
Anyway COUNT ME IN FOR THE CLASS ACTION , does anyone know who and where to sign?
The person I sent my complaint to at Aeroplan was.
Vince Timpano, President, Aeroplan Canada
5100 Boulevard de Maisonneuve W
Montréal Québec
H4A 3T2
You can forward your emails to him as well.
Does anyone know, Is there a class action underway?
I am completely onboard with a class action suit if there is one. The web is full of talk of wanting to participate in a class action, but I can’t seem to find if one is actually in progress. Somebody please let me know if there is one happening.
I guess I’m in the same boat, except my membership started in Sept 17 2002, and on March 15 2009, they decided that my account expired, together with about 75000 points. There was also no email or mailed statement that my account is about to expire. I just found it out today, June 25th 2009, as I’m trying to book another annual trip, and was shocked to se 0 point balance. By their rules, the account is valid for 7 years, by that my account would expire on Sept 17 2009, and I did take at least one overseas trip every year.
Somebody should be held accountable. This is not the way to reward their loyal clients, or do they regret offering and providing this service in the first place?!
I’m thinking of suing the airline for a similar issue. My lawyer would like to have a look at the original Terms and Conditions for the Aeroplan program (while it was being run by Air Canada) from 1992 or 1993. Does anyone have these available? They should have been included in the “welcome package” for newly enrolled members.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank aeroplan for introducing me to Westjet.
I would also be willing to add whatever I can to any type of action that may be taken.
Regarding my post above (June 24), please add my email address for anyone who can provide this info.
Let’s move on this class action – there must be millions of points at play with a substantial dollar value!
Count me in on any Class Action Suit. Read the article on the CBC website. I lost over 250,000 aeroplan miles due to inactivity.
I too lost a whole bunch of Aeroplan miles. I tried to recover them but was not able to do so. How can I become part of a class action lawsuit?
I was a faithful Air Canada flyer and accumulated 186,000 points with Aeroplan. I also bought gas at Esso in 2007-2008 to keep my plan active. But I did not always present my Aeroplan card while purchasing gas or Esso did not credit my Aeroplan account. My account was subsequently emptied of all points. Currently, Aeroplan sends me to Esso who send me to Aeroplan.
I would like to participate in any class action.
I lost my 75K points and I’m P.O. What kind of Loyalty program doesn’t take the time to warn their members when points are at risk. My attempts with Aeroplan were futile. I’m in with any action suit out there!
In my case, lost 100 883 points. It’s a real scandal ! Had planned a dream trip !
I will support any class action. – Count me in.
How do I get involved in this class action against aeroplan. I saw a news stroy on it it an want to find out more.
I lost 100,000 points!!!
I hear the Quebec Superior Court has granted authorization to launch a class-action lawsuit challenging Groupe Aeroplan Inc.’s practice since October 2006 of cancelling points accumulated in its loyalty program.
The motion, obtained by Montreal lawyer Owen Falquero of Merchant Law Group LLP, was filed on behalf of about seven plaintifs across Canada, but the number of petioners, if and when a class-action suit is launched, could balloon to thousands of people.
Last Friday I called Aeroplan to redeem points. From the letters here, I need not explain what news awaited me.
Would I like to pay $250 to get my points back? Are they nuts? They should pay me for not notifying me that this was about to occur and for treating their customers so badly.
The first phone agent I spoke with insisted they sent me a notice in July 2008. They did not. The second agent said I was notified in October 2008 and sent me a “copy” of the phantom notice. When I checked my monthly notices from 2008, they all display my points balance and none mention any potential points loss.
I am no idiot. I’ve been flying Air Canada for business and pleasure since 1987 and have been an Aeroplan member as long. I’ve accumulated and redeemed points many times. I can only conclude they never notified any of us of the planned points claw-back, and are trying to cover that up now.
For this event to have reached public attention indicates that Aeroplan lacks the ability to treat clients and plan members with any level of respect. I don’t plan on flying Air Canada again, and I certainly won’t trust Aeroplan. What they have done is underhanded and a disservice to Air Canada and its partners. In this economic environment that is not only reprehensible but just plain stupid.
Bring on the class action suit. Sign me up.
I used Air Canada quite frequently and in one year I clocked close to 97 individual flights. I was saving the points to book a fantastic holiday for my wife and myself.
A period followed when I stayed close to home and did not fly. When I inquired about my point balance to book our fantastic get away, I was informed that my account was cancelled due to inactivity.
i have also lost my aeroplan points..can someone email me with details on joining the class action
I’m so glad to hear that someone is taking steps against Aeroplan.
I knew of the 7 year rule, but was shocked to learn about the 1 year rule of inactivation. The last time I accumulated points was in Feb 28, and the reason I flew with Air canada, and Star Alliance was because of the points (accumulated 22,000 on a trip to Africa). Combined with other points, this was sufficient for a trip to Vancouver.
I was told the same thing – an email went out last December. Funny thing though is that I get Air Canada emails in my inbox, and the last one I received was in August.
when I called their number, the guy on the phone was quite rude. He also indicated that the “points” were a reward, and nothing more, and that they should have not impacted my buying decision with Air Canada. What a load of crap? In this case, it did impact my decision.
I can see that the real problem is that Aeroplan is no longer owned by Air Canada. they changed their scope, their perspective… the rules changed along the way, and people have not really been advised properly!
Sign me up.. wherever this lawsuit is. I was ok with the 7 year rule, but the 1 year rule.. is just wrong! In fact, isn’t it the same thing.
We lost over 200,000 points without even knowing it. We were told we had been sent an e-mail advising us our point would be erased but we have no recollection of receiving it. Do you know how much money we have spent to earn these points? This is total teft. Aeroplan is part of Air Canada, our national airline company, this is ambarrassing. We demand a fair settlement!
There has been a class action filed against aeroplan, login and singup.
I recd. a letter from Aeroplan dated May 10/’07, which stated: 1) members must earn or redeem miles every 12 months to avoid expiration of their miles, and, 2) all Aeroplan Miles existing in my account before Jan.1/07 will be deemed to have been earned on Dec. 31/06, and must be redeemed by Dec. 31/’13.
These statements seem contradictory, allowing me until the end of 2013 to redeem my miles. But I guess they meant only if I did a transaction once a year, because in fact they did cancel my 32,000 Aeroplan Miles, which I had been saving up to use in my retirement years (like now!). I did receive notice, as above, but was unable to make a trip within the specified time and did not know I could buy gas, for example instead of flying. Yes, call me stupid also! I had moved and didn’t think to notify Aeroplan, so wasn’t up to speed at all on the fact one could do anything other than fly to gain miles. I was just happy to know I had a few miles I could use in my dotage, when they are most needed.
I don’t believe there is any justification for canceling anyone’s Aeroplan Miles for reason of inactivity, and am thrilled to see all of the comments. I will join any class action suit, and am emailing Sue@hotmail immediately, and it seems there are some others in the comments also! All together now: I’m mad as heck and I’m not gonna take this anymore!
I have long been angry about my loss of Aeroplan miles, the one-year inactivity clause and the seven-year rule.
Some customers amass points because they are truly frequent flyers. These business flyers are lucky to acquire tens of or hundreds of thousands of points and are able to keep their flight activity.
When Air Canada and their Aeroplan started their frequent flyer points, everyone was able to gather points. There was not a single disclaimer in the original contract to join Aeroplan that specified limited use would cause a loss of points for inactivity.
There were many people who joined who would not be classified as true frequent flyers. Unfortunately for them, it would take years to acquire miles to some day make use of them for a trip.
Aeroplan stole those dreams and saved miles away from those less able to amass large mileage numbers on a frequent basis. Yet they falsely encouraged people to save them.
Aeroplan/AirCanada knew this large cohort of infrequent flyers represented an enormous some of miles equated to billions of dollars that would be paid out for reward flights. They were acutely cognizant these flyers could, at any time, cash in their miles. Air Canada was in a competitive market, stocks and profits were down and they needed to find a way to protect the company from the billions of dollars in miles held by less-frequent flyers.
Their calculated plan to strip miles away for inactivity was based on hard data they had developed on flyer statistics. They knew many of these former passengers of Air Canada would not be aware of their scheme and ad campaign to inform Aeroplan members of their intent… let alone fly regularly.
Aeroplan and Air Canada knew their customers well, they were tracking their customers and their frequency of flights. They counted on the inactivity of thousands of infrequent flyers to help their bottom line. They were making money on business and first-class patrons and irregular flyers were potentially a threat to the airlines financial stability. Sadly, to date, they have gotten away with this maneuver.
Once again, blue-collar, lesser-paid Canadians get shafted by a greedy corporation that once, long ago, aggressively encouraged their customers from all classes of society to join their Aeroplan mileage program. When their poor financial performance threatened the Board of Directors and their Senior Management Officer’s shares and bonuses, they saw their way to eliminate the potential frequent flyer redemption liability to save their investments in Air Canada and Aeroplan.
I give them “A” for creativity, but a “D” for Dumb move.
Canadian’s from all walks of life are not as stupid as I think Aeroplan had anticipated their infrequent flyers would be.
Their disingenuous rewards plan will soon come back to haunt them. Ultimately causing them large legal costs and hopefully the return of all lost miles to those frequent and infrequent flyers whose hard-earned monies were spent to fly with Air Canada and earn Aeroplan loyalty miles. Air Canada’s short-sighted inactivity plan will become one of their worst corporate nightmares. Regardless their legal teams effort to stave the inevitable.
Please, if you wish to proceed with your class action suit, count my partner and I in. I am in support of all who have been victims of Aeroplan’s chicanery!!!! Specially to repay the moms and pops, aunts and uncles, students and grand parents who have been taken advantage of by Air Canada’s and Aeroplan’s insincere, dishonest, dupicitous actions to take away honestly acquired reward miles for customer loyalty.
Aeroplan is culpable and theft is too light a word to describe their
appropriation of miles… miles acquired from after taxed savings.
Reward miles were created by these two groups to build flyer loyalty and their coffers. When they mismanaged their businesses, they reneged on their promises to reward good customers who did support them by flying frequently with them.
The absconding of my miles is in essence no different than a Ponzi scheme. I was promised something for my business and Aeroplan has not kept its contractual obligation to me. I kept adding to their profits by being loyal, but when times were tough for them, they saw it their right to rescind their agreement to honour my collecting miles with their air miles plan.
The bottom line for me, and I think others, is I want my points/miles/rewards back. If this not possible, then I want my money back. I paid to fly with Air Canada and I accrued dollars for miles at their encouragement to reward me for my loyalty.
They can’t have it both ways, at least not without a damn good fight!!!!!
It is high time they got their knuckles rapped for their deceitfulness, lack of corporate best practice and dishonesty.
Is it any wonder Air Canada is not doing well? They have scr*#ed their pilots, in-flight personnel, ticket takers, maintenance workers and other unions. They need to read or reread the loyalty business model coveted by smart corporations who truly value their customers.
“Loyalty Business Model”
The loyalty business model is a business model used in strategic management in which company resources are employed so as to increase the loyalty of customers and other stakeholders in the expectation that corporate objectives will be met or surpassed. A typical example of this type of model is: quality of product or service leads to customer satisfaction, which leads to customer loyalty, which leads to profitability.
I had over 200,000 points that vanished without any warning. I do not recall receiving any e-mail or correspondance alerting me that my points would be erased if there was no activity in my account for one full year. This is total theft. You can imagine how much I’ve spent in dollars to earn these points. I will join any class action suit and am emailing Sue@hotmail immediately.
I would very much like to participate in this class action suit. I have tried rectifying this situation by three phone calls, two e-mails, and one letter addressed to the president of aeroplan about this, including getting Hilton and other affiliated hotels to retroactively put in my past claims as suggested by Aeroplan representatives. After almost a year of futility, not only was my letter to the president unanswered, but the aeroplan phone representative hung up on my highly civil requests. I have lost over 54,000 points, my wife over 33,000, accumulated over the past 20 years. I am outraged.
I wanted to go on a trip this spring and when I went to claim my 39,000 points from Aeroplan, they said that I had lost all of my points because I had not used my Aeroplan card for one year and two weeks.
Please let me know what I need to do in order to be part of this class action law suit….Thankyou
This is the firm filling the class action. Wife lost all her miles. She never got the famous e-mail. If we could use the lame excuse of : ” I sent you email, hence, I assumed you are informed”, many of problems will be solved right away for anyone. Whoever is directing Aeroplan, certainly doesn’t know about registered mail or phone calls to inform such drastic change.
They’ve basically wiped out my points twice now—just recently due to so-called inactivity (even though I had gotten points from Tropicana juice purchases). The first time they stole the points I had inherited from my late father’s account. Talk about mean-spirited. Even though I didn’t have that many points (it’s not like I was going to get many rewards with their program—none so far). I much prefer Airmiles and get a lot of stuff from PC Mastercard and even Shoppers Optimum. Aeroplan is a pretty useless program—at least for me.
I paid to join Aeroplan. I thought we had a contract. Aeroplan keeps unilaterally changing the terms of our contract. I do not think this is legal, fair or equitable.
I have not lost points yet, but I resent fly with us once per year or else you lose all your points. I wanto to travel at times suited to me, not when Air Canada is threatening me.
I found out that I lost my aeroplan miles last Feb. I was angry! They told me when I called that they had informed me and I still let my account become inactive. I don’t believe I received anything.
I also had many thousands of points deleted. I would be interested in joining a class action suit.
Jean Gregory
I just discovered I have lost 296,685 Aeroplan Points that I have been saving for retirement travel since 1988.
Today I came to know that I lost more than 50 000 aeroplan points. They just stole my points. I was saving them for last many years. I am really mad. Class action suit is a good idea.
Today I found out my father lost 112210 points, he suffers from memory loss and has been taken advantage of. How does this proceed?
I too have lost upwards of 46ooo points. I send in as instructed, the bills that would have been credited to my account and kept my Areo points active.
They found some way to avoid reinstating my points.
I lost 85000 hardearned points to this idiotic policy last year. I am still mad as hell. I haven’t flown Air Canada, they don’t seem to care. What a way of treatig their customers. I am all in favour of the litigation.
Count us in – we lost all our points during a busy time in our lives when we were moving… we also we told NO… points now zero.
We’ve lost 55,000 aeroplan miles and they said they notified us but they did not. This is nothing but theft and very poor business practise. Please let me know if litigation goes through. Aeroplan should not get away with this. Then they want to charge us $500.00 to reinstate. No other rewards offer takes their points away, why can Aeroplan?? There are hundreds of thousands of aeroplan miles that have disappeared. Please do something about this if you can!
I’ve recently found out that I was SCREWED by AeroPlan & Air Canada just like everyone else here. What is involved in joining this Class Action
Aeroplan is a common thief, they stole an asset of 105,000 miles from me and they should be punished. Not only will I not fly any carrier associated with Aeroplan, I would gladly join the class action suit.
Like the rest , I got screwed out of my points. Sign me up for a class action suit.
We lost over 230,000 points combined. It really sucks because its nice to collect and save for a special trip. It seems AEROPLAN / Air Canada have found a way to make their customers very unhappy. If their only excuse is that it makes for uneasy shareholders because of the possibility of a mass redemption, causing a cash flow shortage for the company, then that tells you a little about their inability to budget their business. Remember the old saying – if its too good to be true- it usually is. PS/ is the rumour true that competitors are thinking of offering a similar plan and immediately providing new customers with the same amount of points lost with proof, plus 5,000 bonus points for joining?? Wow, now that’s smart marketing. Send me info on the class action please.
I’m In! Please send the necessary info.